Career Overseas

How to Boost Your CRS Score for Express Entry in Canada? 10 Proven Ways

Canada is often hailed as one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world, with a diverse culture, strong economy, and excellent healthcare and education systems. If you want to make Canada your new home through the Express Entry system, boosting your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score is key to improving your chances of being invited to apply for permanent residence. In this article, we’ll explore ten proven ways to enhance your CRS score and increase your prospects of moving to the Great White North.

1. Improve Your Language Proficiency

Language skills are a significant factor in the CRS score calculation. Proficiency in either English or French (or both) can greatly impact your score. Consider taking language exams like IELTS, CELPIP, or TEF to demonstrate your language abilities and earn more CRS points.

2. Enhance Your Educational Credentials

Your level of education also plays a vital role in the CRS score. If possible, consider pursuing further education or obtaining additional certifications to boost your points.

3. Gain Canadian Work Experience

Working in Canada is a fantastic way to increase your CRS score. If you can secure a job offer in Canada, or even better, work in Canada before applying, you’ll earn additional points.

4. Secure a Job Offer in Canada

A valid job offer from a Canadian employer can substantially improve your CRS score. Job offers in certain high-demand occupations may be worth even more points.

5. Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs)

Provincial Nomination Programs are a fantastic way to boost your CRS score. Many Canadian provinces offer pathways to permanent residence for individuals with specific skills or work experience. Each PNP has its criteria, so it’s worth researching which province suits you best.

6. Adaptability Factors

Marital status, close relatives in Canada, or previous work or study experience in Canada can all contribute to your CRS score. Ensure you provide accurate information about these adaptability factors.

7. Boost Your Spouse’s Credentials

If your spouse accompanies you to Canada, their language proficiency and educational background can also contribute to your CRS score. Make sure to include their details in your application.

8. Improve Your Age

While you can’t control your age, it’s essential to understand that the CRS awards more points to younger candidates. If you’re in your mid-20s or early 30s, you’ll receive the maximum age-related points.

9. Comprehensive Documentation

Ensure that all your documents are in order. Incomplete applications or missing documents can result in point deductions, so be meticulous in your paperwork.

10. Stay Informed and Seek Professional Help

The Express Entry system’s requirements and rules can change over time. To maximize your CRS score, stay updated on the latest immigration news and consider consulting an immigration expert who can guide you through the application process.

Tips to Apply for a Canada Express Entry Visa

Applying for a Canada Express Entry visa involves several steps. Express Entry is a points-based immigration system that allows skilled workers to apply for permanent residence in Canada. Here’s a general outline of the process:

1. Determine Your Eligibility:

Before applying, make sure you meet the eligibility requirements for Express Entry. The main eligibility criteria include age, language proficiency, education, work experience, and adaptability factors. You can use the “Come to Canada” tool on the official website to check your eligibility.

2. Language Proficiency Test:

You must prove your language proficiency in English and French by taking an approved language test. The most common tests are IELTS for English and TEF for French. Make sure you achieve the required minimum scores.

3. Educational Credential Assessment (ECA):

If your education was obtained outside of Canada, you’ll need to get an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to verify the equivalence of your foreign educational credentials to Canadian standards. There are designated organizations that provide ECA services.

4. Create an Express Entry Profile

You must create an online Express Entry profile through the Canadian government’s official website. You’ll be asked to provide details about your age, language skills, education, work experience, etc. Based on this information, you’ll receive a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

5. Enter the Express Entry Pool

Once you’ve created your Express Entry profile, it will be entered into the pool. Your profile will remain in the pool for up to 12 months. During this time, you can improve your CRS score by, for example, obtaining a job offer from a Canadian employer or obtaining a provincial nomination through a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

6. Receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA)

Candidates with the highest CRS scores in the pool are periodically invited to apply for permanent residence through Express Entry draws. When you receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA), you’ll have a specific time frame to submit your application.

7. Submit Your Application

Once you receive an ITA, you must submit your complete application for permanent residence within the specified time frame. This includes providing all required documents, such as police clearances, medical exams, and other supporting documentation.

8. Medical and Police Checks

You and your family must undergo medical exams and provide police clearance certificates to prove you are admissible to Canada.

9. Pay the Application Fees

You’ll be required to pay various fees associated with your application, such as the application processing fee and the right of permanent residence fee.

10. Wait for Application Processing

After you’ve submitted your application, you’ll need to wait for the government to process it. Processing times can vary depending on the specifics of your case.

11. Receive Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR)

If your application is approved, you’ll receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and a permanent resident visa (if applicable). This allows you to travel to Canada as a permanent resident.

12. Travel to Canada and Settle In

Once you have your COPR, you can travel to Canada as a permanent resident. Upon arrival, you’ll be processed by a Canadian immigration officer, and you will officially become a permanent resident.

 It’s essential to stay updated on the latest requirements and procedures, as immigration policies and processes can change. Additionally, consider seeking professional advice from a certified immigration consultant or lawyer to ensure a smooth application process.

Bottom Line

In summary, the Comprehensive Ranking System score is crucial for Express Entry into Canada. By focusing on language proficiency, education, work experience, adaptability factors, and staying informed, you can significantly enhance your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in Canada. Remember, the journey to Canada might be challenging, but with the right approach, you can make your dream of living in this beautiful country a reality.

Career Overseas

Valid Job Offers for Canada Express Visa Entry

You can get more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points for Arranged Employment through the Express Entry system for immigration to Canada if you have a legitimate work offer from a Canadian employer. Only some job proposals qualify you for Arranged Employment points, so more is needed to have a Canadian firm interested in hiring you.  

Any job offer made through Express Entry must meet a number of requirements in order to receive the additional CRS points. Only specific job scenarios are genuinely eligible for the extra Express Entry CRS points linked to a Job Offer.  Your NOC code and the kind of employment circumstance you are in are the two key criteria that determine whether your Canadian job offer qualifies for Express Entry.

Different Types of Employment that are Qualified for Valid Job Opportunity for Express Entry

1. For Express Entry, a job offer that depends on a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is acceptable.

2. A dual-purpose Labor Market Impact Assessment is an acceptable job offer for Express Entry regardless of whether the work visa has yet to be awarded, provided that you apply for PR while the LMIA is still in effect.

3. A valid employment offer for Express Entry is based on an employer-specific work permit, the fact that it does not depend on an LMIA but fits into specified categories.

Does the NOC Code Affect the Employment Points

You will receive 200 Express Entry CRS points for Arranged employment if your eligible job scenario falls within NOC code 00.  You are eligible for 50 Express Entry CRS points for the Arranged job if your qualified job circumstance falls under one of the other NOC codes, such as Teer 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Remember that only Senior Management Positions are eligible for the 200 CRS points for Arranged Employment.  Senior managers often have titles like vice president or chief executive officer and are in charge of departments that middle managers oversee.  You will get 50 CRS points as a NOC 0 role if you have a managerial position, but it is not Senior Management.

Do You Have a Job Offer In Canada- How to Answer this Express Entry Question?

This is one of those complex details for which Express Entry is renowned.  It is still an excellent choice to respond “Yes” when Express Entry asks, despite you having a job contract in Canada, if the working situation falls outside of the categories above that qualify you for the additional points for arranged employment.  This is because a lot of Provinces utilize this question as a criterion to decide whether or not they will extend a Notification of Interest to you.  You have a better probability of getting a NOI if you are employed in that province and state somewhere in your online application that you are interested in relocating there.

To avoid mistakenly receiving more points for Arranged Employment in your expedited entry profile, thoroughly complete the remaining questions in that portion of your profile.  For instance, if the query asks if your employer is listed on the work permit, you should respond NO if you have an open work permit.  Determine who genuinely qualifies to receive the Arranged Employment Comprehensive Ranking System points and who is not eligible by answering the extra questions.

Job Offer Letter for Express Entry Visa

For Express Entry, the IRCC has particular requirements for the employment offer letter. The Canadian employer must send a letter using the format described below:

Include the following information in the letter, which is printed on business letterhead:

1. Candidate’s name

2. Contact details for the business (address, phone, email)

3. Name, title, and signature of the company representative

4. Expected start date for the position

5. An assertion that the position is ongoing, full-time, and non-seasonal

6. A job offer that is valid for a minimum of twelve months after the employee becomes a permanent citizen.

You should have written a fresh letter, especially for your Express Entry application. Work contracts that you have previously signed are probably too old to be helpful for your current application because the majority of regular work contracts fail to include all of the crucial features required by IRCC.

In the Arranged Employment portion of your Express Entry application, you must provide extra papers beside or in addition to the signed employment acceptance letter from your Canadian employer.

1. You must also submit a copy of the LMIA and a confirmation of the work permit if your work permit is dependent on the LMIA.

2. You must also submit a copy of the legitimate dual intent LMIA if you have one.

3. You must submit a copy of your employer-specific work permit together with evidence that that company has employed you for at least a year if your work permit is LMIA-exempt but qualifies you for arranged employment.

Employment Record vs. Arranged Employment Record for Express Entry

If your present position qualifies you for Arranged Employment points under Express Entry, you must submit two different letters from your employer—an acceptance of employment letter and a recommendation letter. The fundamental distinction is that while the reference letter details what has previously occurred, the job offer letter outlines what will happen in the future.

For instance, a very basic reference letter may include something like this: “Please note that this candidate has been operating (or did work) for the organization in this position, throughout this time, performing these duties, on a full-time basis, and was compensated for this amount.” The document, which is only signed by the employer, acts as a history of the events.

Alternatively, a sample acceptance letter for Express Entry can read, in part or in full, as follows: “We are delighted to present this employment offer to you for this position of responsibility, commencing this date, doing these tasks, on a full-time basis, which means you will be paid this amount. Please sign if you concur below. The job offer letter serves as a legal contract outlining the terms of the agreement and is acknowledged by both the company and the candidate.

Bottom Line

One of the components of the Express Entry Programme that needs to be clarified is an express entry job offer. Make sure your Express Entry procedure for Canadian immigration is correctly managed by getting in touch with us, the leading Immigration consultants in Chandigarh, right away to increase your chances of getting the Canadian Permanent Resident Visa you’re after. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada won’t assist you in fixing problems with your application after you submit it, so it must be faultless when you do.

Career Overseas

USA Study Visa- Prepare for Spring Intake in USA 2024

Studying abroad is a dream for students to build a successful career and luxurious lifestyle. If you missed the September or October intake, don’t fret. Prepare yourself for the January intake and get admission to the world’s top university in the USA. 

The USA is an international leader in higher learning, renowned for its esteemed academic institutions and renowned teachers. Students may form intimate bonds with classmates and mentors thanks to small class numbers, individualized attention, and a tight-knit community, creating an atmosphere that is supportive of holistic growth.

Spring intake in the USA opens doors to an extensive array of cultural experiences and varied viewpoints outside of the classroom. You join a thriving community of ambitious people who share your appetite for study and drive to have a lasting difference the moment you set foot on American land. So, whether you are looking for prestigious universities to take admission or need information about dates and top universities, this blog is for you. We, being the leading immigration consultant in Chandigarh, provide you with complete information to make your journey stress-free.

Top Reasons to Prepare for Spring Intake 2024

Before you delve deeply into dates and universities, check out the top reasons for getting ready for January intake.

High Admission Chances : In the Spring Intake USA 2024, there could be more possibilities for admission and a better chance of getting into your preferred program due to fewer candidates. For institutions with a restricted number of seats or competitive programs, this can be very useful.

Convenience and Flexibility : The January 2024 Intake in the USA gives you more freedom to arrange your academic path. It gives you a chance to start your program whenever it is most convenient for you and enables you to coordinate your education with your personal and professional goals. Furthermore, US January Intake 2024 frequently grants you access to special courses, job placements, and research programs that may not be accessible in other intakes, providing you with a competitive advantage in your area of study.

Improve Campus Resources : You may take advantage of early utilization of campus amenities and services by starting your studies in the Spring Intake 2024 USA. You may become acquainted with the campus, check out the libraries, research facilities, and other educational facilities, and get a head start on employing these helpful tools for your academic success.

Better Job Opportunities : The Spring Intake in the USA 2024 frequently coincides with company and organization hiring seasons, offering you a competitive edge in gaining internships and employment placements. You have a better chance of securing sought-after changes that can improve your practical skills, corporate network, and career opportunities in the future when fewer students are competing for the same roles.

Seamless Graduation Timelines : By selecting the January 2024 intake, you can enter the American educational system more quickly. You may settle in, get used to the campus atmosphere, and get used to the new educational system prior to the larger intakes arriving by beginning your studies in January.

Additionally, the Spring Intake 2024 can support on-time graduation by giving you the freedom to finish your program in a planned way, enabling you to enter the workforce or continue your studies without needless delays.

Timeline for January Study Visa Intake 2024

The January Intake USA 2024 deadline should be top on your mind if you’re thinking about enrolling in US universities. The USA’s colleges have begun accepting applications as of May 2023. The USA Spring Intake 2024 Timeline and the steps that international learners should take are shown below.

  • Deadline: December 2023 to Mid January 2024

Important Documents Needed for USA Study Visa

Before you apply for the USA study visa, be sure to have all these documents read in your hand.

1. Previous academic year Marksheets

 2. Degree

3. CV (Curriculum vitae)

4. 9 to 12th Mark sheets (in case of UG)

5. Valid Passport

6. SOP (Statement of Purpose)


8. DS 160 Confirmation

9. Appointment Letter from the University

10. SEVIS Fee Receipt

11. Application fee payment receipt (CGI)

12. Passport size photographs

13. I20 form

14. Work Experience letter (in master’s degree )

15. Offer Letter

16. Financial Documents

Top Universities of USA to Get Admission 

As the leading immigration consultant in Chandigarh, we assist you in getting admission to the best universities. Some of the leading universities in the USA where you can get admission are:

1. University of California Berkeley

2. George Washington University

3. Arizona State University

4. University of Alabama at Birmingham

5. New Jersey Institute of Technology

6. University of Illinois at Chicago

7. Texas State University

8. Pace University

9. Hofstra University

10 . Adelphi University

11. Southern New Hampshire University

12. University of New Haven

13. Baylor University

14. Long Island University, Brooklyn

15. James Madison University

16. Long Island University, Post

17. Lipscomb University

18. De Paul University

19. Western Washington University

20. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

21. University of Charleston

22. University of Hartford

23. Castleton University

24. Hawai Pacific University

25. Bay Atlantic University


The information we offered on January or Spring Intake in the USA is adequate. However, we strongly advise you to talk with our team of knowledgeable advisors at immigration consultants in Chandigarh if you have questions or would like further information.

We provide online counseling services through our website if you are unable to visit one of our clinics. The applications you submit to study in the USA will receive the finest advice from our committed counselors.

Career Overseas

Ready to Study in UK| Understand the Requirement, Timelines and Other for January 2024 Intake

Study abroad is a dream of students to build a luxurious life. Thousands of applicants apply to overseas universities yearly for admission to desired courses. The United Kingdom is one of the top destinations for scholars to study abroad. The rich cultural diversity, breathtaking landscapes, and higher education facilities attract the attention of overseas students the most.

Moreover, the UK boasts of top-ranking universities in the world. To get admission to those high-ranking universities, students must understand the prerequisites, timelines, and other criteria for admission. So, if you’re planning for the January 2024 intake, this blog is for you. Being the leading immigration consultants in Chandigarh, we provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to get admission to the UK’s best universities. Let’s take a deep dive.

About UK’s Academic Year

Universities in the UK provide three unique admissions windows from January through April, May through August, and September through December. Only a certain number of seats are available during these times for different programs at institutions nationwide.

For students who skipped the Fall 2023 intake owing to different unforeseeable circumstances, the next Winter Period, or the January enrollment in the UK for 2024, gives an opportunity. Depending on the institution of choice, the Winter Intake, or January intake in the UK 2024, normally lasts from January through February. Therefore, if you are considering applying for the forthcoming Autumn, you must prepare.

Why January Intake to Study in the United Kingdom

According to the study visa consultancy in Chandigarh, the application deadline falls between June and September. This prolonged window offers ample time for in-depth research and applications to numerous universities. By this time, your tests will be over, and you’ll know exactly what grades you can expect, making it easier to choose the universities that best suit your academic goals.

The amount of applicants is a key contrast between the UK’s September and January admissions. Compared to the September intake, there are much fewer candidates in the January intake, which results in significantly less competition.

Several convincing arguments favor choosing UK institutions with January intakes over those with more varied September intakes. Let’s look at some main elements that make UK January a good decision. The following are some justifications for thinking about a January intake in the UK:

The UK’s January intakes are frequently regarded as secondary alternatives, giving prospective overseas students a chance to apply with less fierce competition. They, therefore, have a strong possibility of being admitted to some of the best colleges in the nation.

International students can take advantage of the entire academic year by applying in January in the UK even if they skipped the deadline for the autumn admission.

Is There Any Drawback of January Intake in the UK?

The January intake in the UK has the disadvantage of being a secondary admissions period, which results in a smaller range of available courses. It’s important to remember that the intake for January may not be the best option for those who intend to pursue their education in the UK with financial aid. It isn’t easy to obtain financial help for this intake. After all, most scholarship application deadlines have already passed by the time the first batch of students generally apply.

January Intake- Start Preparing With English Test

It’s crucial to consider several aspects as you prepare for your application. Examining the eligibility requirements in detail and choosing a test that fits your strengths and comfort zone are crucial. Many exams, such as the IELTS, TOEFL (IBT), PTE, and DUOLINGO, can assist you in completing the university admission requirements. Furthermore, the university may decide whether to send you an admission letter based on particular criteria or tests. To meet the requirements for UK immigration, you could occasionally require another attempt at a test or pass an additional one.

How to Select Course and University In January Intake?

A crucial step in obtaining a student visa is selecting the right program and university because they will both greatly impact your future relocation and how you will pursue your academic goals. Each university has its own prerequisites, which may include academic background, credentials, scores, examination results, and any outstanding coursework.

When you are investigating colleges and programs, these factors are quite important. The success of your adaptation and resettlement in a foreign country can also be substantially aided by making well-informed decisions about the universities and courses you choose. Alternatively, you can get assistance from an immigration consultant in Chandigarh to select the top university and program.

What Are the Documents Needed For Study Visa Application

Knowledge of the documentation requirements for studying in the UK is essential while preparing your application. Even though you have plenty of time to apply for the January intake, it’s crucial to understand what evidence is needed. The following is a list of the documents you need to have ready:

1. A passport that is currently valid or other suitable travel documentation.

2. A CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) document from your school.

3. You might also be asked to provide the following paperwork:

4. Evidence of your ability to support yourself financially and pay for your course costs, which may vary based on your particular circumstances.

5. A current ATAS certificate, if required by your course and nationality.

6. Verification of consent from your parents or legal guardians if you are under the age of 18.

7. If you are less than 18, documentation of your family’s link to your parent or guardian is required.

8. Your tuberculosis test results.

9. If you have received funding for your tuition and living costs within the last two years, your financial sponsor must provide you with a formal approval for your visa application.

Want to Apply For a Study Visa in the UK? Career Overseas is here To Guide You!

You should consider taking advantage of the UK’s January intake if you still need to apply for the September period to study there. Top-notch programs are available for the January intake, including those in business, engineering and technology, law, and medicine. Remember that these courses can only sometimes be offered; therefore, contacting the top experts for international education is recommended.

It’s important to remember that application dates, procedures, and specifications can vary from university to university and course to course. Students can rely on our team of immigration consultants in Chandigarh to effectively traverse this difficult process and realize their ambition of studying abroad. 

Career Overseas

What Jobs Have Higher Chances of Approval: Navigation LMIA 2023

Because no Canadian citizen or permanent resident is prepared, willing, or qualified to fill a particular post in Canada, the business can engage a foreign worker according to Canada’s LMIA procedure. Employers must screen individuals claiming to be Canadian citizens or long-term residents and promote the position for at least four weeks to receive an LMIA.

The company may be permitted to recruit a foreign worker only after showing that the applicants did not meet the job description requirements. Before starting employment in Canada, the worker must apply for a work permit the LMIA endorses.

Applications for LMIAs are comprehensive and need plenty of paperwork and analytical tabulation. Employers must explain in writing why any Canadian who was rejected for a position was unqualified for it. Work permit categories that are LMIA-exempt fall within the International Mobility Programme; not all work permit kinds do. Keeping all concerns in mind, we provide you with top jobs with higher chances of approval.

What is LMIA?

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) issues a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to assess the effects of hiring someone from another country in Canada. An LMIA’s good outcome means that no Canadian resident or permanent resident of Canada is qualified to fill a specific employment post, allowing a company to engage a foreign worker. A negative LMIA, on the other hand, indicates that a Canadian citizen or permanent resident should occupy the post.

A foreign national cannot immediately apply for an LMIA. Instead, Canadian employers are required to look for this paperwork. Although certain foreign employees may be excluded from needing a work visa or an LMIA, each Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Programme (TFWP) category requires employers to get an LMIA before recruiting foreign nationals. Additionally, to earn points to qualify for a job offer in Canada, several paths to staying permanently in Canada need candidates to show they have a good LMIA.

How Can Individuals Apply for LMIA?

Employers have up to six months before the expected start date of the post to submit an LMIA application. Depending on the potential employee’s salary level, different procedures must be followed when applying for an LMIA.

When deciding whether a position falls into the high-wage or low-wage category, employers must consider the median hourly pay in their particular province or territory since low-wage employment has extra requirements to meet. There are also specialized streams available for companies looking for LMIAs for certain job sectors.

Top Occupations That Are Easy to Grab in Canada

These professions frequently experience a scarcity of competent Canadian employees and are in great demand. This group frequently includes industries like medical care, technology-related field of engineering, skilled crafts, and entertainment.

Employers are more likely to receive a favorable LMIA if they concentrate on these vocations since the evaluation considers the availability of Canadian citizens and permanent inhabitants to fill the roles. To increase the probability of successfully acquiring an LMIA for these in-demand professions, employers and foreign employees must keep up with the most recent labor market trends and criteria.


● Carpenter

● Drywall installer

● Construction Electrician

● Bricklayer

● Tile setter

● Cement Finisher 

● Furniture Finisher

● Other trades

● Truck Drivers

● Maintenance / Facility Manager

● (All areas of trades, TEER 72 and 73) 


● Restaurant Manager

● Cooks – Food Specialties

● Food Service Supervisor 

● Meat Butcher

● Chefs 


● Community Support Work

● Personal Support Worker

● Health Care Aids

● Dental Assistant 

● Social/Community worker 


● IT Managers

● Software Developers

● Software Engineer

● System Analyst

● Business System Analyst

● Data Administrator

● Network Analyst

● Graphic Designer

● Web Designers

● UX / UI

● Front-end Developers

● Full Stack Developers

● Back-end Developers

● Producers

● Art Managers 

5. BUSINESS (LMIA with the option to work remotely first)

● Technical Sales 

● Business Consultant

● HR Specialist

● Bookkeeper 

● Financial Manager

● Marketing Specialist

What Are the Key Requirements of LMIA Application?

LMIA applications must be mailed to the proper Service Canada Processing Centre in hard copy form. Specific requirements for these kinds of applications comprise the following:

● Processing Fee: 

A $1000 CAD non-refundable processing fee is required for all LMIA applications. The cost will not be reimbursed, even if the result is bad. However, certain candidates in the in-home career category might not have to pay this cost.

● Business Legitimacy Documents:

Employers are required to present proof of their legal existence as a Canadian company.

● Transition Plan: 

Employers must submit a plan explaining their future employment strategy for Canadian citizens or permanent residents instead of temporary foreign workers (TFWs). The objective is to give recruiting Canadians for the post top priority.

● Recruitment Efforts:

Before contemplating employing a TFW, employers must demonstrate that they made significant attempts to find Canadian or permanent residents for the post.

● Wages:

Applications for LMIA should be specific on the pay rates for TFWs. This separation is crucial to differentiate between high-wage and low-wage occupations and guarantee that TFWs are paid fairly compared to Canadian employees in comparable responsibilities.

● Workplace Safety: 

The same occupational health and safety requirements apply to TFWs as to their Canadian counterparts. Employers must show proof of TFW insurance protection similar to the health coverage offered in the jurisdiction or territory wherever the firm is situated to comply with this requirement.

Bottom Line

By fulfilling these requirements, companies can increase their chances of receiving a favorable LMIA, allowing them to employ temporary foreign employees to satisfy their unique labor needs while maintaining compliance with all applicable laws and protections.

Employers will get a decision following the processing of an LMIA application. The employer is permitted to hire a foreign national for the defined post if the judgment is a favorable LMIA. The employer, however, is not permitted to employ a foreign person for that specific position if a negative LMIA is given.

For more updates, let’s connect with us. Career Overseas is here to guide you and help you get the right information about top job opportunities in Canada. Book your free consultation today.

Career Overseas

Why is Biometrics Important for Students?

If you are looking to study in foreign universities, there are higher possibilities you’ve heard about biometrics. But there are lots of students who might not be aware of what purpose biometrics are used for. Why don’t students get visas until they have done their biometrics? Let’s read below to get all your answers here. In this blog, we’ll explain biometrics and why it is crucial for students. Let’s dive in.

About Biometrics

Biometrics is an important physical characteristic that is used for the identification of individuals. A person’s biometrics generally include facial recognition, fingerprints, retinal scans, iris scans and, in some cases, voice recognition. This is one of the crucial technologies that have been widely used in the education field. In recent years, biometrics has become the most crucial component for international students. But many students face challenges when it comes to proving their identity.

How is Biometrics Helpful for Students?

Language obstacles, cultural variations, and lack of ability to obtain government-issued identification credentials are just a few difficulties international students have while attempting to establish their identity. These difficulties can be lessened by using biometrics, such as fingerprint or face recognition, to securely and reliably confirm a student’s identification.

The ability to rapidly and correctly validate an individual’s identification is one of the biometrics’ greatest advantages for overseas students. This can facilitate several procedures, including applying for financial aid, using campus resources, and enrolling in classes. With the use of biometric technology, students may quickly have their identification verified, saving time and lowering the possibility of mistakes and fraud.

The fact that biometrics offers a private and secure method of keeping personal data is another advantage for overseas students. Students, who lack traditional means of identification, such as passports and driver’s licenses, face identity theft. Contrarily, biometrics is a safe way to store personal information since biometric data cannot be misplaced, stolen, or easily copied.

What is the Process Involved in Biometrics Submission?

The submission of biometrics is a rather simple process. An invitation to provide biometric data will be sent to overseas students after they have filed for their visa or permission. An explanation of where to go to get their biometrics scanned and what papers to carry are included in this invitation.

Designated support for application centers, which may be maintained by the federal government or by a private service provider, is often where biometrics are collected. The pupils’ fingerprints, pictures, and maybe an iris scan or additional biometric information will be obtained at the center.

Students will get a receipt when their biometric data has been obtained, verifying that they have finished this round of the application process. It’s vital to store this receipt safely since you might need it to finish the remaining portions of the application.

Where Can Students Submit Their Biometrics?

Typically, biometric data may be provided at certified application support centers dispersed throughout different locations worldwide. Students from other countries can go to their immigration registration portal or the federal government’s site to learn where they can provide their biometric data.

In rare circumstances, submitting biometric information at a visa application center outside the nation where the student will be enrolled may be possible. Students who are unlikely to travel to the specified center owing to distance or other reasons may find this useful.

In summary, biometrics is a crucial technology for international students and has several advantages, such as increased security, accuracy, and productivity. It’s conceivable that there will be additional applications for biometrics as technology develops and their use spreads, especially as they help overseas students.

Getting Ready to Study Abroad? Let Us Help You!

We are here to support you if you have lofty goals for studying abroad and a burning passion to make them a reality. We at Career Overseas Services are here to provide you with the ideal support, skills, information, and expertise needed for your trip since we know your goals. More than 48,000 students have used Career Overseas to effectively help them fulfill their ambitions of studying overseas. Our committed staff of knowledgeable advisers has assisted students from various backgrounds in handling the challenging process of studying abroad. Call us if you wish to give your aspirations a safe flight.