Career Overseas

Valid Job Offers for Canada Express Visa Entry

You can get more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points for Arranged Employment through the Express Entry system for immigration to Canada if you have a legitimate work offer from a Canadian employer. Only some job proposals qualify you for Arranged Employment points, so more is needed to have a Canadian firm interested in hiring you.  

Any job offer made through Express Entry must meet a number of requirements in order to receive the additional CRS points. Only specific job scenarios are genuinely eligible for the extra Express Entry CRS points linked to a Job Offer.  Your NOC code and the kind of employment circumstance you are in are the two key criteria that determine whether your Canadian job offer qualifies for Express Entry.

Different Types of Employment that are Qualified for Valid Job Opportunity for Express Entry

1. For Express Entry, a job offer that depends on a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is acceptable.

2. A dual-purpose Labor Market Impact Assessment is an acceptable job offer for Express Entry regardless of whether the work visa has yet to be awarded, provided that you apply for PR while the LMIA is still in effect.

3. A valid employment offer for Express Entry is based on an employer-specific work permit, the fact that it does not depend on an LMIA but fits into specified categories.

Does the NOC Code Affect the Employment Points

You will receive 200 Express Entry CRS points for Arranged employment if your eligible job scenario falls within NOC code 00.  You are eligible for 50 Express Entry CRS points for the Arranged job if your qualified job circumstance falls under one of the other NOC codes, such as Teer 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Remember that only Senior Management Positions are eligible for the 200 CRS points for Arranged Employment.  Senior managers often have titles like vice president or chief executive officer and are in charge of departments that middle managers oversee.  You will get 50 CRS points as a NOC 0 role if you have a managerial position, but it is not Senior Management.

Do You Have a Job Offer In Canada- How to Answer this Express Entry Question?

This is one of those complex details for which Express Entry is renowned.  It is still an excellent choice to respond “Yes” when Express Entry asks, despite you having a job contract in Canada, if the working situation falls outside of the categories above that qualify you for the additional points for arranged employment.  This is because a lot of Provinces utilize this question as a criterion to decide whether or not they will extend a Notification of Interest to you.  You have a better probability of getting a NOI if you are employed in that province and state somewhere in your online application that you are interested in relocating there.

To avoid mistakenly receiving more points for Arranged Employment in your expedited entry profile, thoroughly complete the remaining questions in that portion of your profile.  For instance, if the query asks if your employer is listed on the work permit, you should respond NO if you have an open work permit.  Determine who genuinely qualifies to receive the Arranged Employment Comprehensive Ranking System points and who is not eligible by answering the extra questions.

Job Offer Letter for Express Entry Visa

For Express Entry, the IRCC has particular requirements for the employment offer letter. The Canadian employer must send a letter using the format described below:

Include the following information in the letter, which is printed on business letterhead:

1. Candidate’s name

2. Contact details for the business (address, phone, email)

3. Name, title, and signature of the company representative

4. Expected start date for the position

5. An assertion that the position is ongoing, full-time, and non-seasonal

6. A job offer that is valid for a minimum of twelve months after the employee becomes a permanent citizen.

You should have written a fresh letter, especially for your Express Entry application. Work contracts that you have previously signed are probably too old to be helpful for your current application because the majority of regular work contracts fail to include all of the crucial features required by IRCC.

In the Arranged Employment portion of your Express Entry application, you must provide extra papers beside or in addition to the signed employment acceptance letter from your Canadian employer.

1. You must also submit a copy of the LMIA and a confirmation of the work permit if your work permit is dependent on the LMIA.

2. You must also submit a copy of the legitimate dual intent LMIA if you have one.

3. You must submit a copy of your employer-specific work permit together with evidence that that company has employed you for at least a year if your work permit is LMIA-exempt but qualifies you for arranged employment.

Employment Record vs. Arranged Employment Record for Express Entry

If your present position qualifies you for Arranged Employment points under Express Entry, you must submit two different letters from your employer—an acceptance of employment letter and a recommendation letter. The fundamental distinction is that while the reference letter details what has previously occurred, the job offer letter outlines what will happen in the future.

For instance, a very basic reference letter may include something like this: “Please note that this candidate has been operating (or did work) for the organization in this position, throughout this time, performing these duties, on a full-time basis, and was compensated for this amount.” The document, which is only signed by the employer, acts as a history of the events.

Alternatively, a sample acceptance letter for Express Entry can read, in part or in full, as follows: “We are delighted to present this employment offer to you for this position of responsibility, commencing this date, doing these tasks, on a full-time basis, which means you will be paid this amount. Please sign if you concur below. The job offer letter serves as a legal contract outlining the terms of the agreement and is acknowledged by both the company and the candidate.

Bottom Line

One of the components of the Express Entry Programme that needs to be clarified is an express entry job offer. Make sure your Express Entry procedure for Canadian immigration is correctly managed by getting in touch with us, the leading Immigration consultants in Chandigarh, right away to increase your chances of getting the Canadian Permanent Resident Visa you’re after. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada won’t assist you in fixing problems with your application after you submit it, so it must be faultless when you do.

Career Overseas

Why is Biometrics Important for Students?

If you are looking to study in foreign universities, there are higher possibilities you’ve heard about biometrics. But there are lots of students who might not be aware of what purpose biometrics are used for. Why don’t students get visas until they have done their biometrics? Let’s read below to get all your answers here. In this blog, we’ll explain biometrics and why it is crucial for students. Let’s dive in.

About Biometrics

Biometrics is an important physical characteristic that is used for the identification of individuals. A person’s biometrics generally include facial recognition, fingerprints, retinal scans, iris scans and, in some cases, voice recognition. This is one of the crucial technologies that have been widely used in the education field. In recent years, biometrics has become the most crucial component for international students. But many students face challenges when it comes to proving their identity.

How is Biometrics Helpful for Students?

Language obstacles, cultural variations, and lack of ability to obtain government-issued identification credentials are just a few difficulties international students have while attempting to establish their identity. These difficulties can be lessened by using biometrics, such as fingerprint or face recognition, to securely and reliably confirm a student’s identification.

The ability to rapidly and correctly validate an individual’s identification is one of the biometrics’ greatest advantages for overseas students. This can facilitate several procedures, including applying for financial aid, using campus resources, and enrolling in classes. With the use of biometric technology, students may quickly have their identification verified, saving time and lowering the possibility of mistakes and fraud.

The fact that biometrics offers a private and secure method of keeping personal data is another advantage for overseas students. Students, who lack traditional means of identification, such as passports and driver’s licenses, face identity theft. Contrarily, biometrics is a safe way to store personal information since biometric data cannot be misplaced, stolen, or easily copied.

What is the Process Involved in Biometrics Submission?

The submission of biometrics is a rather simple process. An invitation to provide biometric data will be sent to overseas students after they have filed for their visa or permission. An explanation of where to go to get their biometrics scanned and what papers to carry are included in this invitation.

Designated support for application centers, which may be maintained by the federal government or by a private service provider, is often where biometrics are collected. The pupils’ fingerprints, pictures, and maybe an iris scan or additional biometric information will be obtained at the center.

Students will get a receipt when their biometric data has been obtained, verifying that they have finished this round of the application process. It’s vital to store this receipt safely since you might need it to finish the remaining portions of the application.

Where Can Students Submit Their Biometrics?

Typically, biometric data may be provided at certified application support centers dispersed throughout different locations worldwide. Students from other countries can go to their immigration registration portal or the federal government’s site to learn where they can provide their biometric data.

In rare circumstances, submitting biometric information at a visa application center outside the nation where the student will be enrolled may be possible. Students who are unlikely to travel to the specified center owing to distance or other reasons may find this useful.

In summary, biometrics is a crucial technology for international students and has several advantages, such as increased security, accuracy, and productivity. It’s conceivable that there will be additional applications for biometrics as technology develops and their use spreads, especially as they help overseas students.

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Why do Australian Universities Impose Restriction on Indian Students? Here’s the Clarification

Australian universities recently imposed restrictions on students’ entry into Australia due to rising fraudulent applications. The ban has been imposed on Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir students, and Uttar Pradesh. One out of every four student visa applications from Indians is deemed “deceptive” or “non-genuine” by the Department of Home Affairs, which oversees the initiative. 

The government informed A federal parliamentary investigation this past weekend that the rejection rate for proposals from India is 24.3%, the highest percentage since 2012. The rapid increase in fraudulent applications has pushed the Australian Department of Education to keep a check on the entries of students.

To prevent additional fraud, institutions have enhanced the examination and screening of applicants from certain Indian states. Despite worries that such a move would harm legitimate applicants, entrance to prestigious Australian institutions are not expected to be impacted because the admissions process is already extremely demanding.

Despite restrictions, Australia still welcomes students for new intakes surpassing the previous record in 2019, which is around 75000, according to the news agency PTI reported.

Restrictions Trouble Genuine Applicants

According to a story in The Hindu from last year, up to 96,000 Indian students would be studying there by July 2022, making them the second-largest international student population behind China.

The country was “on pace for the greatest annual admission of Indian students throughout universities and occupational courses,” according to Australian media reports this month. According to a counselor with the Chandigarh-based career advising firm Connect Overseas, “another explanation why students are currently flocking to Australian universities is because they currently only need to shell out six months’ worth of tuition in advance as well as there is no requirement to pay for their living costs upfront.”

“Over 600 instances of fraudulent documents being used to gain student visas to Australia were discovered by the Australian Department of Home Affairs in 2020–21. He claimed that these included learners from Punjab and Haryana caused the colleges to be cautious about applications from these areas.

The authorities are also worried about the trend of pupils quitting college early to work in blue-collar employment. 

Rising Number of Dishonest Consultants Becomes Reason for Rejection

Education experts and Australian universities concur that rising numbers of dishonest brokers helping students and rising university dropout rates are to blame for the high rejection rate for student visa applications.

The alleged blacklisting of candidates from specific Indian states has been criticized as “discriminatory” by the Association of Australian Education Representatives in India (AAERI), a body of agents that recruit candidates on behalf of various Australian learning and training institutions.

In a letter to Australian university officials on Thursday, the organization said, “The presumption that all students from specific districts of India are ‘high risk’ is profoundly unfair and biased. The best course of action should be “one India, one policy.”  

The AAERI also promised in the letter that it wrote to train consultants in education on the necessary ethics to stop dishonest practices. “We aim to motivate universities to employ only AAERI participants for their recruiting activities,” the organization stated.

Quality and Fulfillment Checking is Key to a Successful Visa Application

Good News is not all Australian universities have shunned Indian students. In denial of establishing such limits on Indian students from particular states, the University of Wollongong and Southern Cross Universities, mentioned in Australian newspapers as being amongst the universities that have done so, released comments last month.

Deakin University, planning to open its campus in Gujarat, told ThePrint that while it hasn’t imposed any limitations on Indian students from particular states, other Australian universities could have accomplished so in the lack of a “quality and accountability team.”

Career Overseas is here to guide you…

Career Overseas, the leading education consultant in Chandigarh, is here to provide you with the right information. If your application is rejected or you are unsure how to apply to the right university to avoid rejection, our expert counselor at Career Overseas will help you. Call us or email us to book your appointment today.